Exploring the Spiritual Landscape
This is a collection of past projects, sold and a still available paintings that represent a cross section of Randy's various works. He is always interested in new commissions and mural work. Please use the "contact" page to get in touch and let us know if there is something here that gets your attention.
72x48" mixed media on canvas available for purchase
48x72" enamels on canvas available for purchase
Oil on Canvas SOLD - Denton Texas
9' Replica of Fender Stratocaster. Fabricated from 1/2" plate steel - hand cut with oxyacetylene torch, finished with automotive enamels. SOLD - LifeAustin Amphitheater. Austin, TX
99" Replica of C.F. Martin 000-15, Fabricated from 1/2" plate steel, finished with Automotive Enamels. Commissioned specifically for LifeAustin Amphitheater.
101" Replica of Gibson Les Paul Custom. Fabricated from 1/2" plate steel, finished with Automotive Enamels. Commissioned for LifeAustin Amphitheater.
Randy hanging out at the studio with Randy Philips of PCD before the restoration of the sculpture. Finished piece is on permanent display at LifeAustin Amphitheater.
In the studio, September 2015, during the painting process.
40x30" Oils on Canvas. This painting was leased by a film crew for a Tom Arnold movie shot in Austin in the late 90's. SOLD - New Orleans, LA
60x48 Enamels on Canvas. SOLD - Austin, Texas
66x48" Enamels on Canvas. SOLD - Austin, Texas
60x48" Enamels on Canvas. SOLD - Austin, Texas
48x60" oil on canvas SOLD - Friendswood TX Homage to Jaco Pastorius, "the worlds greatest electric bass player."
30x40 - Oil on Canvas SOLD - New Orleans, LA
48x72" Oil on Canvas SOLD- Galveston TX

16x20 oil on canvas

48x72 Mixed Media on Canvas Available for Purchase

16x20" Acrylic on Canvas Available for Purchase

12x16' Enamel on Stucco - the wall outside Randy's 2nd Floor studio.

for the Austin Guitartown Project

Friend and client Dash Crofts of "Seals and Crofts" visiting the studio during production of the Austin Guitartown Project.

With the guitars at Gibson, Austin.

Ray Benson of "Asleep at the Wheel" clowning around with me at the unveiling of the Austin Guitartown Project